Thursday, June 24, 2010

"No gay permitted

“ Big Moto event for everyone that enjoys riding motorcycles. No alcohol, No drugs, No guns and NO homosexuals permitted” (This event is sponsored by city of Skopje)
Yes. This is the official invitation of this even, that on big posters is placed across the capital city. And all seems ok for almost everyone till the day when couple of NGO’s started complaining about this.
Well, this is something that should bother every single one of you. Not only few NGO’s. Girl, boy, women, man, adult, teen. Everyone. How can this be publicly said? I am not saying how people can think about this but how can you display such a thought in the center of the city?
I am frustrated and I am sick of this. We are going backwards and backwards and I am not sure where this will end.
In case you didn’t know, Macedonia has a law against discrimination, that is valid for everyone except homosexuals. Yes. You read well. And we are waiting to be accepted in the family of EU. Why we don’t mention homosexuals in this law? Because we don’t have homosexuals. It is that simple. Why would we need law that will protect them, when we don’t have any of “those creatures”.
I am not sure if we talk about dump or ignorant people. Or maybe blind. People who run our country and vote on laws. People who are planning to prohibit the abortion, and the right of choice. People who are discriminating while hiring are voting on a law against discrimination that has nothing to do with the basic human rights, because it does not include every one that might potentially be discriminated.
Good job Macedonia. Good job… keep being blind and ignorant. And go have fun on that event.

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