Sunday, May 30, 2010

Before leaving US

As my time in USA passes I have big need to write what is on my mind. I usually sleep at this time, but my dream is interrupted by the memories that are coming in mind.
During this year mostly I was learning. I was learning how to be more organized, how to be patient, how to smile even when I don’t want to and most of all I was learning what is like to be different. Something that I never was before. During this year I was trying to find myself. I was trying to figure out what are the things that are making me happy and what I actually want from life. This big, challenging school year is near its end and I can freely say that I am leaving like a winner, because I managed to stay and keep believing in the good of this world. This made me become even more passionate about human rights.
I know that when I go home, I will be the first one who will loudly support homosexual rights. This all is thanks to all wonderful, AMAZING people who showed me that being homosexual means being awesome, fun and loving person. I will also fight loudly for women’s rights and I will keep the spirit of VDay, organization that made me think deeper about everyday life, and the violence in it, inside me . Although I didn’t gave my best in it, I want you all to know that I truly respect every single girl that is part of it and I believe that they will be really successful women.
I will loudly speak against any kind of segregation based on nationality because I am SICK of politics and their influence in young people life. Because we, young people can make a difference and change the current situation in Macedonia. All this reminds me of another amazing women that I met and that gave me amazing advices about life. Joanne Bland . Thanks to her, and the whole Civil Rights Trip, today I am more confident that better world is possible and that everything can be achieved if we believe that we can MAKE a difference.
During this year I realized more than ever that I WANT to be Human Rights journalist and I will do what ever it takes to achieve that goal.
During this year, I’ve gone through hell. But also, during this year I met amazing friends who made my life easier and were always here for me. I know that I will keep them always in my heart and although I will not see them (that often at least) I will always think about them and love them with all my heart. Because of every single day that was full with fun, smiles, tears, hugs, drinks. Because of every moment that made me cherish life more.

Also, I will say that I had soooo much fun working with great people, (Taco BEll :) ) who knew how to make the busy days easier, and the slow days funnier
And last, but not least UEP rocks. And I MEANT IT. Because of the support, the positive energy and the feeling that your presence here has some meaning. I <3 UEP. I <3 UWEC